More than half of average July rain falls in first few days in Peterborough

Peterborough has had more than half the average rainfall for July in the first few days of the month, it has been revealed.

There has already been 35mm of rain this month, with the average for July being 62.1mm.

Temperatures have also been below average, following a hot spring.

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Trev Robbins-Pratt, from Peterborough Weather Watch, said: “With regard to rainfall, average with me since 2006 is 61.2mm, so with 35.2mm already, over 50 per cent of that month average has fallen.

“Temperature wise, currently the mean is around 16.5°C and we are currently running around 2°C below that.

“Maximum Temp average would be between 23.0° to 23.5°C and currently we are some 4°C below that, so its technically a ‘cool’ month so far.

However, there maybe good news for sun worshippers ahead.

Trev said: “We are in a rather mobile pattern at the moment and generally being on the ‘cool side’ of the jet stream it results in Low Pressure pushing its associated rain bearing fronts across the UK. Surface warming also means that as that warm air rises and meets the cooler air aloft, that convection allows heavy showers to develop, which of course can also be thundery if there is enough instability.

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“In the short term into next week, its looking a little more settled and warmer as an ‘Azores High’ tries to be the dominant weather feature. It is currently a little tricky to say if this a longer term trend rather than a shorter term outlook.”