Last call for tickets to see Flying Scotsman in Peterborough

Flying Scotsman passes through Peterborough EMN-191101-140835009Flying Scotsman passes through Peterborough EMN-191101-140835009
Flying Scotsman passes through Peterborough EMN-191101-140835009
Just a few tickets remain for the Flying Scotsman’s visit to Peterborough later this year.

The iconic engine will be in the city on September 28, 29 and 30, as it runs on the Nene Valley Railway. A spokesman for Nene Valley said of the 4,500 tickets that went up for sale when the visit was announced, just 150 remain. The spokesman said: “Now we are so nearly sold out the hard work really starts. Dealing with all those people in three days will quite a logistical exercise said the railway... It’s not just a case of selling the tickets and sitting back. Now we are busy sorting out car parking, extra loos and what feels like a thousand other things ready for the end of September. We know how important it is that each of the 4,500 visitors who will come along for a ride all get the same very special Flying Scotsman experience. It’s important that everybody enjoys it and nobody feels rushed.” Along with the normal rides in carriages behind the Scotsman, Nene Valley Railway are planning a number of special treats - the Popular Jolly Fisherman Fish and Chips service will be operating hauled by the locomotive and a evening Dining train will be operating offering a full three course meal - although tickets have sold out for both these services. The loco made a successful visit to Nene Valley Railway in 2018, with tickets selling out when they went on sale. The engine came to Peterborough after it broke down in the city in 2017. It was taken to Nene Valley Railway for repairs to the axles. For more information visit