Opinion: Here are my five wishes for Peterborough in 2023

ARU Peterborough University - Paul Bristow has high hopesARU Peterborough University - Paul Bristow has high hopes
ARU Peterborough University - Paul Bristow has high hopes
2023 is right around the corner. I am confident it is going to be a great year for Peterborough, writes Peterborough MP Paul Bristow.

There are five things on my wish list for Peterborough that fit in with the plan I was elected on three years ago.

1) Building the NHS Community Diagnostic Centre.

It will mean 67,000 more imaging, scans and tests for conditions such as cancer, heart disease and lung disease, right here in Peterborough. This will reduce pressure on GP surgeries and our hospital. Next year is the year for concrete plans and spades in the ground.

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2) The University will come alive with more and more young people studying there next year.

It will inject life into our City Centre and compliment the £23 million I helped to secure for regeneration. It will offer opportunity and hope for local young people and is key to our plan to deliver a high skill local economy.

3) Boots on the ground and action on anti-social behaviour in our City Centre.

We already have 145 extra police officers in Cambridgeshire and more police than the local constabulary have ever had. But this needs to translate into action on anti-social behaviour and street drinking in our city centre.

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There is nothing kind or tolerant about allowing this destructive behaviour. Of course individuals need signposting to support services. But doing nothing fails businesses, local residents and the street drinkers.

4) Continued improvement in our local schools.

We have moved steadily up the league tables, defying previous predictions of doom, but we can’t stop now. Year 4 Peterborough kids for example, are now topping the tables and performing higher than national averages. Teachers, schools and the local Council have worked together to make this happen.

5) Great Northern Hotel back as a premium City Centre Hotel – or at the very least included in the £50 million Station Quarter investment.

Peterborough is a caring City where we continue to care for the vulnerable and newcomers. However, our kindness does not mean we can allow a premium venue like this being used to host migrants crossing the Channel.

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The Great Northern Hotel is a flagship hotel directly opposite the Railway Station. It is the first thing people see when they visit Peterborough. It is the wrong location for Peterborough and for the migrants themselves.

These specific actions fit in with my six-point plan that I keep coming back to. More police, renewing our City Centre, better schools for every child, cleaning up our City, a higher skill local economy and the care residents need and deserve.

Listening to the people of Peterborough will always be my top priority.

Please do email me and let me know if you think my plan for Peterborough in 2023 is the right one - [email protected]